(a) To organize and unite Ex-ICG Sailors and Officers employed in various Govt. of India and State undertakings, Central/State Govt. organisations, Autonomous bodies of the central and State Governments, self-employed, unemployed, widows of Ex-ICG Sailors and Officers and dependents of Sailors and Officers killed on duty or off duty.
(b) ICGVWA shall be an apolitical welfare organisation for the benefits of Ex-ICG Sailors and Officers and their dependents and shall function under state committee as a state body to guide and administer affiliated Ex-ICG Sailors welfare associations / unions / organisations operating in various industries, under takings /autonomous bodies / corporations etc. so that they develop and grow.
(c) To establish, improve, maintain and protect the interests, rights and privileges of the Ex-ICG Sailors and Officers and their dependents in all matters whatsoever including but not limited to the conditions of service, pay and allowances, service records, record office related issues, retirement benefits, transfer, promotions to higher ranks, pensions, gratuity, fringe benefits, assistance in resettlement and rehabilitation in close co-operation with the State Govts, Central Govt, other official and non-official agencies through directly or through Central Committee (which is yet to be formulated).
(d) To maintain highest possible standard of service by the member to organisations they serve and the public in general.
(e) To create, establish and function a job portal with retired ICG sailors and officers data base and collaborate with organizations for smooth placement opportunities. The job portal also may associate with premium job portals like Naukri,com, Shine.com etc to enhance search options.
(f) To share the information on certificate course /crash course which will enable the retiree to get the best opportunity in corporate sector.
(g) To educate and form public opinion emphasizing that maintenance and welfare of disabled Ex-ICG Sailors and Officers and their dependent families is an importance task and a national/moral duty.
(h) To endeavor to obtain public support and recognition for the principle that Ex-ICG Sailors and Officers and their dependents should receive fair treatment in matters including provision for suitable resettlement re-employment /self-employment.
(i) To initiate/approve legal proceedings and provide assistance to the members in respect of disputes arising out of and or incidental to their service benefits, rights or otherwise directly or after obtaining prior approval of Central Committee(which is yet to be formulated).
(j) To combine/or affiliate or co-operate with, take over, amalgamate with or absorb any other organisations/societies/institutions having similar ideology of ICGVWA with explicit approval of Core Committee Members.
(k) To assist in recruitment, the Govt. employing agencies, public sector undertakings and feedback the Govt. about the non-implementation of the Govt. directives and act as the official spokesman, to the Govt. wherever required.
(l) To endeavor to provide assistance against sickness, unemployment, infirmity and death of Ex-ICG Sailors and Officers. Reach out to Coast Guard Benevolent Association for disbursing the grants.
(m) To strive to improve and ameliorate the social, cultural, educational and economic conditions of the members by establishing /organizing co-operatives, libraries, holiday homes, social gatherings, periodic conferences, lectures, own housing colonies and exhibitions etc.
(n) To appear through it’s representatives before the appropriate authorities, tribunals, courts commissions etc. as directed by central committee.
(o) To nominate representatives for representing ICGVWA in the Govt. announced committees for the resettlement/rehabilitation/welfare of Ex-Servicemen (Ex –ICG).
(p) To delegate representatives to different bodies in which the ICGVWA may be interested from time to time as per the directives.
(q) The income and the property of the ICGVWA shall be applied fully towards the promotion of it’s aims and objectives.
(r) To crusade against the exploitation of Ex-ICG Sailors and Officers and their dependents.
(s) To take such other steps as may be necessary for the attainment of the above objects.